The silence was broken and the good was installed


There is no need to search too much in the archives to find strong criticism of the former president.

Cristina Kirchner

to entrepreneurs In November 2011, at the General Motors plant, he severely questioned them. "They earn fortunes and do not reinvest them in Argentina, so that nobody is distracted, my call was aimed at all sectors," he said. He was right, some of the businessmen earned fortunes, especially state contractors. What the exmandataria did not say, it is that a large part of his government was a member of this perfect mechanism. The latest testimonies add to this regime active judges, such as Luis Rodríguez, or pensioners,

Norberto Oyarbide


The last hours have awakened the pbadions of all who follow the cause of the

notebooks of bribes

. He summed it up as follows when journalist Aurelio Tomás said in a conversation: "This is the Big Bang of Corruption". Perhaps the best metaphor we can find right now.

Systems whose corruption is an element of confluence are always treated with two budgets. On the one hand, fear; on the other, and perhaps imposed by it, silence. Both are broken and explosive bursts of explosions stick on all sides.

If the cause is illustrated by concentric circles that share the same axis, what we see nowadays is very close to the nucleus. According to this diagram, the most important of these circles is the central circle, which contains, at a given moment, all the others.

The cause began to break these exteriors a long time ago, almost at the beginning. Then, the vast majority of people involved, with the exception of the former president and the office of Julio De Vido, were still subject to the same directives: fear and silence.

The fear or fear of repression began to fade when many of the people involved began to hear more and more the sound of iron when, at age 20, the cells were closed. What fear can be greater than losing freedom? Asked several people involved. The fear remained, but changed protagonist. This was no longer the fear of Kirchnerism in power and retaliation of a dominant political ploy, but the prison, the fear of children's gaze, the exit through the back door of the place of belonging.

The fear concentrated on the other side, the silence broke. So yes, now everything is worth it. The defense of the company and the accomplices of subcontractors, corrupt officials and presumptuous personalities who could not explain how they had made the money collapsed like never before. Nobody protects anyone anymore and everyone comes to sit in front of the prosecutors or the judge with one goal: to save themselves.

The situation does not stop being striking in these causes as it is unique, unpublished. The trials for corruption have always been held, beyond the political interests that have weighed on the magistrates, for the defense of all as a whole. The ploy consisted of denial, delaying the process, concealing or destroying the evidence, and occasional death to convey messages to those who dared to open their mouths. Nothing is like that anymore.

Perhaps journalists covering police events and exploring the secrets of criminal gangs do not draw attention to the destruction of an organization when one "sings" and the codes of the criminal society are violated. But for the cronists of politics and corruption, the break-up of the fraternity surprises.

At Comodoro Py, crunch the nucleus of these concentric circles. The deepest power of Kirchnerism is locked in the center, where Presidents Néstor and Cristina Kirchner, Minister Julio De Vido, private secretary, have always posed

Daniel Muñoz

and a small group of people and people.

The secretary's widow has broken the silence and dispersed illegally everywhere. Only the accusations transcended nothing less than a federal judge, Luis Rodríguez, charged to investigate this core after the investigation of

Panama Papers

, which he participated
THE NATION, has reported on this web of companies, tax havens and millions of people. The dissidents also reached ex-judge Norberto Oyarbide. That is to say, the cause lags behind the political power, the entrepreneur and the judiciary.

Carolina Pochetti, according to these newspapers from the United States, has, among other things, a $ 13 million department in the Plaza Hotel in New York, at the end of the month. Avenue, plus a mall in Miami, among others. She and some others know where the money comes from to buy them. Millions of people suppose it, but justice can not go forward with badumptions. Some Comodoro Py offices answered this question.

The nucleus of the circles crackles. The accountant Víctor Manzanares, the man who knew the innumerable secrets of Kirchner's numbers, also revealed his truth. And what truth can interest a judge more than explanations about his clients? Dozens of answers are already part of the file.

Mazanares has long decided to flee and give a helping hand to his family. He had not done so before because he was afraid: his wife and children were living in Santa Cruz. But he has advanced with some negotiated measures since December. He considered that it was useless to sacrifice oneself for one's bosses. One deceased, the other, the former president, who does not use in her defense the denial of the facts but prefers to say that everything has been done behind her back. Mutual betrayals have become the fuel of the cause.

Juan Manuel Campillo, former Minister of Finance of Santa Cruz, also regretted it. I did not want to be in prison and I knew dozens of crimes. It changed, like so many others, to liberate. Now all the voucher has been installed. The mafia silence that lasted for decades in Argentina was broken long before the Kirchner.


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