"The similarity with what Cristina Kirchner lives is a libretto"


The lawyer of the former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, Fausto vase, referred to the badembly of a cause similar to photocopies of notebooks and noted that "The similarity of what Correa and Cristina Kirchner live is a libretto."

Similarly, he said that "one of the differences from Correa with Cristina is that here they want me not to return to Ecuador"and insisted that "The scenario against Correa and Cristina is similar to 90. Here, the notebooks have allowed people to be imprisoned."

In an interview granted in the program "There will be consequences" by Discover the radio, the lawyer added: "I can not fail to report the presence of false repentant manuscripts and progressive leaders who do not want to power" and stressed that "the situation of the residence of Correa in Belgium n & # He was not linked to the political persecution, he had warned that his wife being Belgian, he would go there. "

"They put us as Correistas and badociate with the difficulties that exist in Venezuela and try to scare citizensJarrín said, and he said that "Another of the similarities of the Latin American bourgeoisie's discourse is trying to be lazy and we want the state to give us everything. "

"After the electoral triumphs of Correismo in important cities, the persecution of Correa was reactivated", warned Correa's lawyer. And he badyzed that "here they organized an illegal popular consultation in which they declared that a person already re-elected to the presidency could not be elected".

In addition, he said: "Correa said he wanted to be a deputy and the persecution took place there, we were betrayed by Lenin Moreno, we were more impressed by the polls than by the convenience," he said. that "we have also again made agreements with the IMF, which are destroying social plans, the influence of the United States is gigantic".


"The person who wrote the notebook says that he wrote it on a 35-minute flight, but that it is written in the present and not in the past," said the officer. And he concluded: "Of course you can talk about a new Condor plan.They do not send more officers from the School of the Americas but copy judges and prosecutors."


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