The sincere words of Marcelo Tinelli in The Specialists of the Show


Marcelo Tinelli spoke about LaFlia and the difficult 2017 that he went through in Dancing for a Dream.

On Monday afternoon, he started The Specialists of the Show, the new program run by

Marcelo Polino

María del Cerro
. The cycle will work as a satellite

2018, and it will cover everything that happens around the popular competition led by

Marcelo Tinelli
And it is precisely Tinelli himself who was the first big guest of this program prepared by Laflia, his brand new producer.

After going through a very complicated Dancing 2017 from the financial point of view,
in which there were even threats of strike, Tinelli could bademble a new production company, give continuity to the historical cycle and even inaugurate new proposals such as the one mentioned
Salon specialists and for this reason chose this new program to convey an emotional message: "For us, it is very important to return to work, after so much time, after all the difficulties that we we met. for all my colleagues who know that they have fought hard, who have suffered, who have spent months without paying too much, who have endured a lot and who have put their shoulders, for me it's a dream and a joy and I am excited to see them here I am working again, so for my gratitude, my love, my love and my congratulations, and I am proud to be there again to work with you all. "

Marcelo Polino responded by thanking him saying," You are very container with us all and you are always present with the message. "Mery del Cerro asked him the name of the new production company, and Tinelli said : "I love working on TV, but I'm really happy to give work, it's one of the things I've learned from Juan Alberto Badía and Gustavo Yankelevich. As for LaFlia, the name has to do with that, with what it really is a family, and always when you refer to the
flia is like someone from very close, someone you love, someone who owns you. Then he had to do with this new challenge that we went through.

Finally, Tinelli revealed that he is interested in producing fiction again and that he would very much like to make a series about the life of Ricky Martin.

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