The size of penises, increasingly smaller due to contamination and the future of the human race is in danger | the Chronicle


An environmental scientist said penises shrink and genitals get deformed due to environmental pollution.

At least that’s how the doctor put it Shanna swan, in a new book in which details the challenges that human reproduction will face in the years to come if it does not change its way of life.

In the countdown how fertility rates decline due to phthalates, which are nothing more than a chemical used to make plastics and directly affect the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of homones.

Dr Swan, who is professor of environmental medicine and public health at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, based his work on a series of peer-reviewed surveys.

For what he says, A 2017 study guarantees that men’s semen levels in Western countries have declined by more than 50% over the past 40 years.

He came to this conclusion after analyzing the evidence for approximately 45,000 healthy men who participated in some 185 interviews.

The cover of Dr Shanna Swan’s book.

According to Sky News, Dr Swan examines “How our modern world threatens sperm count, disrupts male and female reproductive development, and endangers the future of the human race.”

What is phthalate and what problems does it cause?

Dr Swan started review of phthalate syndrome, which was observed in rats who found that when fetuses were exposed to the chemical, they were likely to be born with shrunken genitals.

He discovered that male human infants who had been exposed in utero had a shorter anogenital distance, which was related to penile size.

The chemical in question has industrial use to make plastics more flexible, but according to him, it is transmitted to toys and food and, therefore, interferes with human development.

The healthcare professional believes that if everything continues at this rate, most men will not be able to produce viable sperm by 2045.


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