The smartest dog in the world is dead | Chronic


Chaser, known as "the smartest dog in the world", died at 15 years old. The animal has achieved this title worldwide for its ability to recognize more than a thousand names, which has allowed it to understand complex sentences with a propositional complement, a verb and a direct object.

The border collie dog belonged to the American psychologist John Pilley, who taught him 1,022 names by showing him various toys and objects and repeated his name several times, hiding it and asking him to find it.

Pilley died in 2018 at age 89; and from that time, Chaser directed his wife and one of his daughters to Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States.

Pilley with Chaser, the smartest dog in the world.

A member of the psychologist's family explained to The New York Times that the animal's health had deteriorated in recent weeks and that he had died of natural causes.

The owners of Chaser have buried the remains of their animal in the yard of their house, next to the ashes of their owner.

An animal rights organization, however, announced that it would fund the construction of a bronze statue in honor of each one of them and that they will install it in the immediate vicinity of A museum of the locality where they lived.


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