The smoke of the fires in Amazonia has already reached the country: when will it affect Buenos Aires?


"There is already the presence of smoke that comes from different fires in Formosa, Jujuy, The currents, Catamarca, La Rioja and north of Santa Fe", detailed meteorologist Cindy Fernández.


The expert also explained that "the north wind will bring this smoke to the center of the country, For what this Friday could reduce visibility in Buenos Aires"In dialogue with Télam, Fernández pointed out that "The process will worsen over the weekend and next week".

The Amazon concentrates 52.5% of the fires of 2019 in Brazil, with more than 71 thousand igneous homes, what generated a wave of repudiation of the world, who grew up with President Jair Bolsonaro's statement minimizing the danger to the environment.


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