The son of Federica Pais and that of a former manager are arrested and charged with motorcycles – 02/18/2019


The son of journalist and host Federica Pais and the son of a former official were arrested, accused of having two motorcycles who committed three robberies in Vicente López, informed police and judicial sources.

Dante, son of Federica Pais, arrested accused of three badaults against the bike.

Dante, son of Federica Pais, arrested accused of three badaults against the bike.

Detainees have been identified as Dante Casermeiro (19), son of Pais, and Octavio Laje, who, according to sources, would be the son of Guillermo, commercial attaché having worked with the economist and leader Martín Lousteau when he was ambbadador to the United States. Both are major.

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The arrests took place on Sunday when police received an alert about a motorcycle theft in Olivos and when he arrived at the corner of San Lorenzo, José María Paz intercepted two suspects. whose appearance was consistent with the description provided by the victim.

The son of Federica Pais and a diplomat were arrested, accused of committing three robberies in Vicente López.

The son of Federica Pais and a diplomat were arrested, accused of committing three robberies in Vicente López.

The young people traveled on a motorcycle and had in their possession two replicas of pistols – including one with compressed air – mobile phones, a homemade hammer to break the windows and a blister with pills.

Octavio Laje, son of Guillermo, diplomat close to Martin Lousteau.

Octavio Laje, son of Guillermo, diplomat close to Martin Lousteau.

A police chief told Telam that Casermeiro and Laje could be the authors of three robberies committed in the region.

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The prosecutor Martín Gómez, of the Unit of functional instruction (UFI) Vicente López Este, investigated this case and left the suspects in custody. "robbery" and will investigate them in the next few hours.

The son of Federica Pais and a diplomat were arrested, accused of committing three robberies in Vicente López.

The son of Federica Pais and a diplomat were arrested, accused of committing three robberies in Vicente López.

Pais was married to advertising director Damián Casermeiro, with whom he had his two children, Galo and Dante.


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