The soybean harvest is over with 36 tons, the lowest in 9 years


08/07/2018 – In its agricultural panorama
Weekly, the Stock Exchange
Cereals of Buenos Aires
finished the harvest
of soybeans 2017/18 with the
performance and production
lower national
of the last nine campaigns.
"The results respond
with a high water deficit
summer that affected
for more than eight weeks
most of
the national agricultural region,
compromise the
state of culture in
its stages of reproduction
critical, "explained the Stock Exchange.
In particular, the cycle
culminated with a volume
production of 36 million
tons, what
which leads to
fall of 37.4 yoy
%, losses of 1.2 MHa
sown and a yield
21.4 qq / Ha, one
33% below in relation
in the previous campaign.
uring last week,
the collection of
oilseed advanced and arrived
to cover the most
the waiting area,
so far only
many remain standing
specific in sectors
isolated from Buenos Aires.
"However, this is not a zone
significant whose result
can generate changes
about the present
estimate of production ",
clarified the entity.
The corn
On the other hand, the harvest
corn with fate
advanced commercial grain
thanks to the fluidity
good conditions of
time and completion
of the soy harvest.
According to the BCBA, in
last seven days the collection
it reached 63% of
appropriate area, which reflects
inter-manual progress
7.4 percentage points.
As for the renderings,
indicated that they "remain
initials in the province
of Córdoba ".
So, the
production projection
for the 2017/18 campaign
at 32 million tonnes,
7 MTn less than
collected the campaign
previous, when they were reached
the 39 MTn.
Regarding the campaign
good 2018/19, the report
noted that the work
wheat and barley "continue
move forward in everything
the country and they were already realized
implement more than
5,300,000 hectares
with both cereals. "
"Wheat lots more
advanced in their phenological cycle
transit stages
tap and even
They are mainly concentrated
In the region
of the notice of allegation, when the condition
Moisture varies
between regular and sparse ",
he described, at the time
who added that, in parallel,
on the power cores
South of Buenos
Aires "the condition
of culture is adequate and
the cereal is between
urgency and differentiation
foliar ".
In this way, in
Wheat was covered 79.2%
6,100,000 hectares,
with an advance
from year to year 6.5 points
percentage In figures
Absolute, they were implanted
more than 4,8
In the barley, meanwhile,
it was possible to implement the
53.6% of 950,000
projected hectares.l

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