The SPACE MONKEY macaque: an 11-year-old boy in dead Neuquén


Saturday, July 28, 2018 12:54

Concussion in Neuquén. Police investigate the death of an 11-year-old boy from the city of Zapala. There is still no certainty about the causes of death, but it is investigated whether it is related to a game that is circulating through social networks and is known as the "monkey of space."

The chief commissioner, Julio Ariel Peralta at 16:20 they took an intervention on Calle Saavedra 880, after a call to 101.

There, they found the minor without vital signs, in the bathroom, with a belt on his neck.Medical staff checked that he had died from suffocation by hanging.The one who phoned the police is the grandfather of the child, who claimed the 39, having found after not having obtained an answer by calling him by his name, forced to open the bathroom door which was locked.

legal proceedings and l & # 39; 39; intervention of the public prosecutor's office and the medical examiners, who will be responsible for the corresponding autopsy. The macabre do It reaches a state of euphoria by interrupting the access of oxygen to the brain by self-suffocation.

However, interrupting the pbadage of oxygen for a few seconds can be deadly to participate in the challenge.


Cases are proliferating in the United States. A student from New Jersey died as a result of a choking game. Nick Markarian, superintendent of the Township of Bernards, wrote to parents that a student participated in a game known as Space Monkey, the Fainting Game or Flatliner.

Participants seek to achieve a state of euphoria by briefly suspending access of oxygen to the brain. However, if the interruption is exceeded, it can cause serious damage or even death. The grievor recommended that parents talk with their children and review search history on the Internet.

In addition, he suggests to be attentive to behavioral changes and to certain physical traces such as bloodshot eyes. or marks on the neck. In addition, he notes that students aged 9 to 16 are the most likely to experience risky behaviors.

"The adolescent brain does not treat information in the same way as an adult and is not able to fully understand the serious consequences," he added. 19659005] Source: Death-by-play-at-the-game monkey-space-20180727-0051.html


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