The Spanish Chancellor accused Trump of intervening as a "cowboy" in Venezuela | Chronic


The acting Spanish Chancellor Josep Borrell, said that the United States act as "a cowboy" in the Venezuelan crisis and defended the launch of a negotiation "peaceful and democratic" in the Caribbean country which culminates in the election convocation.

Borrell said this in an interview on the Spanish public television (TVE), in which the Socialist pleaded for the continuation of the role of the EU contact group in Venezuela, since "This is not on the same wavelength as the US administration".

The Socialist candidate also in the next European elections has criticized the fact that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his government act in Venezuela "a cowboy who says" look what I draw ""reported the EFE news agency.

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The contact group of the European Union is calling for negotiations and decisions like the one adopted yesterday: sending a delegation to foster this dialogue. "There can only be an exit that allows us to go to the elections and we reject the demonstrations involving military interventions at the border", added the head of the Spanish diplomacy.

Borrell also insisted that the Leader of the Opposition Leopoldo Lopez, who is staying since April 30 at the Embbady of Spain in Venezuela, can not apply for asylum in Spain as it is not physically in the country.

The recognition of Juan Guaidó (President in charge of the country, appointed by the National Assembly) by the Spanish President "some things that could be done"he remarked.

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Meanwhile, the government of Nicolás Maduro He expelled the Spanish journalist on Tuesday Joan Guirado, who has documented the pressing political and economic crisis the nation is going through. The reporter himself reported the measure on his Twitter account, which indicates that he had already been detained for several hours by the Bolivian intelligence service (Sebin).

"I get back the freedom (partial) after a few hours held by Sebin de Nicolás Maduro, I'm fine, I want to go home as soon as possible.This is not a pleasant experience, especially when you only do the same. journalism"wrote Guirado without specifying when he will leave the country.

After this tweet, the reporter turned his Twitter account into "private" mode, since he would normally come in and out of the country with a tourist visa.


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