The Spanish right protested in the street and called for early elections | Chronic


Tens of thousands of people gathered in central Madrid Sunday, called by the Spanish right to demand early elections for the Spanish Prime Minister, the Socialist Pedro Sánchez, whom they claim to have undertaken a "suicidal drift" for the dialogue with the independence parties of the Autonomous Region of Catalonia.

With Spanish flags and the cry of "Long live Spain"The protesters, 45,000 according to the national police and 200,000 according to the organizers, have invaded Plaza Colón in Madrid, turning the opposition demonstration into a nationalist act with the presence of far-right groups.

In the demonstration, which was a motto "For a united Spain, the elections now!", participated in the leaders of the Conservative Popular Party (PP), Pablo Casado; right-wing citizens, Albert Riveraand from the far right party Vox, Santiago Abascal, architects of the act and who also photographed together for the first time.

The right front against Sanchez was activated in response to the President's initiative to accept a "Relator" in a dialogue table between the parties in Catalonia to address the "territorial conflict" in this Spanish region next to France.

With this political gesture, the president sought to create the conditions allowing the secessionist parties to lift their veto on the government's budget, because if their rejection came to fruition in the vote next Wednesday in the Parliament in Madrid, the government would be in the minority and the Spain, on the threshold of early elections.

Sanchez ended up abandoning his dialogue with the secessionists, who demanded a "international mediator" high ranking, and the proposal of the head of government does not satisfy the right-wing parties, who accused him of having "Betrayed" and "Humiliated" In Spain.

In Spain "There is no more socialist capitulation or blackmail in favor of independence (…) The time of Pedro Sánchez is over.In 100 days, we have three elections during which we can to return from these places to the polls "Casado pointed out, before reading the manifesto of the march, which was agreed between the three parties.

"The clamor today is that we want to vote, Sanchez cheated us, he said that there would be elections and that there is none, today. Sánchez will listen to us " badured Albert Rivera, who considered that the demonstration was a turning point.

Abascal also advocated immediate elections, but took the opportunity to outline his formula for ending the independence claims of Catalonia: "suspend the autonomy of Catalonia" and "dismantle violent gangs" who badured that there is in Catalonia.

"We must repress the blow to the ultimate consequences with the arrests of its leaders and conspirators, the presidency of the Generalitat", said Vox's leader about the Catalan government led by Quim Torra.

In order to give more importance to civil society, the PP, Ciudadanos and Vox agreed that three journalists should read the manifesto which fundamentally rejects a negotiation with the current political leaders of Catalonia.

"We share the boredom of the vast majority of Spaniards facing the suicidal drift of the Pedro Sánchez government, we are gathered today to tell the Spanish government that we do not want to tolerate more betrayals or concessions in the face of to those who want to destroy our homeland. ", supported the manifesto.

From social networks, with the label "I'm not going with fascism"Several politicians of the ruling Socialist Party (PSOE) criticized the protest of the right, which they claimed to be "unfaithful".

Sanchez himself also evoked the rally at a rally in the city of Santander, where he stated that "the Spanish government is striving to unite the Spaniards and not to divide them as they are doing it today at Colon. "

"They call us traitors, but where did the PSOE go?" Defense of the legality and the Constitution Where are the rights? When they do not govern, they generate tensions "said the Spanish president.

Today we have had a very moving and historic day in Madrid. Citizens have formed a wave of dignity to shout loudly:

NO to separatism, yes to Spain
long live the constitution

Spain is a cry, Mr. Sánchez: we want to vote.# UnidosPorEspaña

– Albert Rivera (@ Albert_Rivera)
February 10, 2019

Moment where the national anthem played with Pablo Casado, Albert Rivera and Santiago Abascal together on

– Public Affairs (@_apublicos)
February 10, 2019


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