The Spanish soldier who murdered an Argentine woman was sentenced to 17 years in prison


Tuesday, the Spanish court sentenced to 17 years and three months in prison a soldier who killed a girl named Argentina in 2016. Lorena Mazzeo in his apartment on the Canary Island of Fuerteventura.

The hearing of Las Palmas declared that on October 23 of this year, the Spanish soldier Felix Daza Head He strangled his victim with a shower hose. For this reason, they considered that guilty of murder and theft, because he also kept some of his belongings.

During his testimony at the first trial, Cabeza acknowledged that he had gone to the victim's apartment that day, which he had hired as a prostitute when he was arrested. ;a phonecall. She also stated that they had talked on the cell phone many times, though so far, so far, he had not met her personally.

"I killed her because I wanted to … she was a putt … and she will not laugh at me anymore", said the soldier to a witness, according to a statement read in court by the prosecutor in charge of the case. The prosecution argued that these words revealed a betrayal and premeditation this turned that crime into a murder, for which he asked for a 21-year prison sentence.

The accused of killing journalist Lorena Mazzeo in Spain said that it was an accident. (Source: El Liberal)
The accused of killing journalist Lorena Mazzeo in Spain said that it was an accident. (Source: El Liberal)

Faced with this proposal, the convict stated that he had killed her "by accident". The soldier stated that once they had finished having bad, she went into the bathtub when he went to take a shower before leaving, and encouraged her to practice "certain sadomasochistic games" that would have been disproportionate.

Lorena Mazzeo was found dead in her apartment in Spain in 2016. (Source: Facebook)
Lorena Mazzeo was found dead in her apartment in Spain in 2016. (Source: Facebook)

"It was as if she had pbaded the shower hose around her neck and had made love like that, while the water was flowing," explained the soldier in his statement. After a few seconds, the Argentinian girl died of asphyxiation, according to this version. However, for the court, the death of the young Argentinian "was not accidental nor the fruit of an unloved but not avoided excess".


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