The special measure a young man with Covid took for 11 days to avoid infecting his family | the Chronicle


The health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on the India, the second most affected country in the world which already adds almost 280,000 dead, with an average of over 4000 per day, according to data from the local health ministry.

With the collapsed hospitals, lack of isolation centers and makeshift crematoriumsIt is not surprising that the population is worried and tries to survive with the few resources that are left.

In India, health workers cremate the bodies of coronavirus victims. Source: (Reuters)

This was the case with Shiva, an 18-year-old student from the town of Kothanandikonda, in Nalagonda, who, seeing the lack of space in his house to isolate himself, decided to build a platform at the top of a tree, out of canes. bamboo, to protect his parents after giving Covid-19 positive.

The news went viral within days thanks to the report from “The Print”, which in turn pointed out that there are many cases of people taking extreme measures to save their families, being that India has recorded 25.2 million infections, making it the country worst affected by the pandemic -after the United States, with 33 million-.

After being diagnosed with coronavirus, Shiva made the decision to isolate himself at the top of a tree for 11 days, where he improvises a kind of raised bed, while his parents, every day, they brought him food with a rope and a bucket.

Shiva (above left) was isolated for 11 days in the crown of a tree. Source: (The print)

A month earlier, amid a dreaded rise in infections in the town where he was studying, and due to a lack of vaccines, drugs and health facilities, he had returned home to be close to his parents.

Her mother, Anasuya, told “The Print” that she and her husband were both working “With daily payment” and that they also have two other children. “He understood that if he infects us, it will be difficult for our family to survive without profit.”he explained.

He also said that the doctors had suggested that Shiva self-isolate, even though they did not have this option at home. And he pointed out: “We moved five kilometers to the nearest point, but there were no beds available, he asserted.

Ansuya, mother of the 18-year-old student, in her modest home. Source: (The print)

During this time, he reported that they did not have more than one bathroom, which made healthcare difficult and required Shiva to travel to the countryside when it started to get dark to relieve himself.

But the story has a … happy ending? It turns out that when the media picked up on the young student’s case, local authorities arrived at the house and offered to transfer Shiva to a nearby hostel transformed into an isolation center.

The boy was one of the lucky few to be treated on time while going through his illness, as there are countless people infected with the coronavirus who had no choice but to go to the country and stay alone in makeshift huts.


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