The special request of the "pirate" May in his last speech | Chronic


The British Prime Minister, Theresa MayWednesday expressed concern over growing polarization in the country over Brexit and urged its peers to maintain unity in the face of the complex exit of the European Union (EU).

"We have reasons to be seriously concerned, both domestically and internationally, on the substance and tone"May warns in what was perhaps his last great speech before being replaced by Boris Johnson o Jeremy Hunt before the Conservative Party and therefore the control of the government.

The Conservative leader, forced to announce her resignation after Parliament canceled for the third time the exit agreement she had reached with Brussels, insisted that her intervention be based on the need of: "be ready to compromise".

"It does not mean giving up one's values ​​and beliefs"in his speech at the Royal Institute of International Affairs and warned that political discourse in the UK has come down on the "resentment" and the "tribal bitterness".

"Words have consequences and malicious words, if not challenged, are the first step towards bad deeds and a much darker place, in which hatred and prejudices not only direct what the people say, but also what makeshe stated.

In reviewing her three years as head of the British government, May, 62, a daughter of a parish priest in the Anglican Church, badured that her greatest regret was that she was unable to materialize the Brexit.

The conservative party will announce Tuesday the winner of the primary of the formation, in which Johnson appears as the undisputed favorite to take control of the majority of the voices of the 160,000 activists "Tories" calls to the polls.

The next day, May will attend his last control session in the House of Commons, before heading to Buckingham Palace, where he will resign to Queen Elizabeth II, who will soon appoint the next Executive Director. Johnson and Hunt have both said in recent days that the controversial clause aimed at avoiding a border in Northern Ireland, one of the EU 's demands to accept an agreed exit from the UK' s bloc of the EU, is "Dead".

The hardening of their position has again raised fears that the next Prime Minister will lead the country to a sudden break, a scenario in which no candidate separates.


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