The spectacular escape of a penguin chased by killer whales in Antarctica


He was rescued from some killer whales with the help of a group of tourists who passed by (Video and photo: Lad Bible)

A penguin managed to escape a pod of killer whales who wanted to catch it in the Gerlache Strait, located in Antarctica. And he did it thanks to the presence of a group of tourists who crossed the neighborhood and, quick to think, took their cell phones to record everything.

Before the happy ending, the passengers on the boat watched the situation as if it was a soccer game in which they were puffing up for the penguin. “Come on, go swimming!” They encouraged him. When killer whales got too close to their prey, they howled in annoyance and concern.

The first time the penguin jumped in the boat bounced off an edge and fell back into the water, where the killer whales were hiding.

The second time when managed to take cover a few seconds after the first attemptHe did this with the help of a few tourists who pushed him inward with their hands. Passengers reacted with relief and joy when they received their new travel companion, who watched them all as they greeted him with phrases such as “Hello, lucky boyfriend” or “Saved by the boat.”

The penguin and his new friends (Photo: Lad Bible)

The story of privileged witnesses

The travel blogger Matt Karsten He was with his wife Ana and he was the first to capture the moment the little animal jumped out of the water to take refuge in the boat filled with tourists.

It was crazy to see him in person. It was like watching an episode of National Geographic in one place. I imagine the penguin was very relieved to escape, ”Matt told the Ladbible portal.

And he continued his story: “We were leaving for a scenic Zodiac cruise among the icebergs when a large herd of killer whales appeared playing in the water next to us. They swam to the camera and waved their hands. Suddenly the killer whales started chasing a penguin to eat it. They came and went with the fast swimming penguin with the killer whales behind. Eventually the poor penguin tried to jump into a nearby boat. The penguin failed at first, fell back into the water, then passed the second attempt. “

“The killer whales followed the boat for a while,” said Matt. “In the end, they gave up and left the penguin safe with his new friends.. After sailing a bit, the penguin said goodbye to the boat and jumped back into the icy water.

Matt Karsten is a well-known travel blogger, sometimes referred to as The Tramp Expert. He tells anyone who wants to hear him that visited 50 countries since 2010 and currently resides in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.


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