The Speeder, the world’s first flying motorcycle, has been successfully tested | It reaches a speed of 240 km / h


JetPack Aviation, the California-based American company that develops flying vehicles for personal transport, has successfully tested its first flying motorcycle prototype named “The Speeder”.

After a year of developing the vehicle’s control system and its mechanical design, the team was satisfied with the results. The Speeder took off and was able to perform several takeoffs and landings.

How the Speeder flies

It has microturbines that allow it to take off and fly at 4,500 meters high and up to 240 km / h, but only for 10 minutes. It has a dome that protects the pilot from the wind and at the same time helps stabilize the flight.

In fact, one of the biggest difficulties that Jetpack Aviation face was precisely stabilize the bike. To achieve this, they had to start from scratch with the software that controls the intensity and angle of the propulsion.

The company has developed an aluminum frame that is larger than necessary to be able to place the turbines in different places, allowing them to turn at any angle and thus compensate for the movement and action of other turbines.

The US government, the first buyer

The work has taken about 18 months from the start of the first prototype, called the P1, to make it work flawlessly.

The flying vehicle weighs only 104 kg and can carry a rider weighing up to 108 kg. The company assures that it will be the first motorcycle of these characteristics in the world. But for now, they’ve only completed the “skeleton” of what would be the final product.

The company also warned that only 20 models of these flying vehicles will be built for the market at a price of 380 thousand dollars.

The rest of the production already has an owner: the United States Government and Army, since they found in The Speeder a perfect vehicle for support and rapid intervention missions.


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