The spicy tweet that runs through Patricia Bullrich and Alberto Fernández


The Minister of Security criticized the presidential candidate's comments about the so-called "lie of the law", and he replied

Patricia Bullrich and Alberto Fernandez they went through Twitter, on the occasion of the so-called "Law lie", the project of the ruling party to punish from prison and fine those who miss the truth in their statements during a court proceeding.

The first stone was launched by the Minister of Security, who blamed the presidential candidate of the Front for all to have stated that "the obligation to prove the guilt of someone belongs to l & # 39; State. "

"These are absurd remedies. It never occurred to me that they could introduce such a law because it is clearly unconstitutional. " Fernandez concerning the project in statements to the network.


Elisa Carrió and Nicolás Massot crossed by Alberto Fernández

Given that, Bullrich He decided to dedicate the following message:

To integrate

A few hours later, the former chief of staff responded by the same social network:

To integrate

Will the passages between them continue?


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