The spirited dialogue between Mauricio Macri and Mario Vargas Llosa on the situation in Argentina – 26/03/2019


"Why is Argentina still in trouble, if it's a country with huge resources, with such an educated people?" Said President Macri: tell why the country continues with so many problems", sacked Tuesday night Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa in the role of interviewer Mauricio Macri.

Both were the star figures of the Freedom Foundation Dinner in North Park. "What a good starting point, Mario," said Macri to the Peruvian Nobel Prize, before replying that "the change we have made is profound, because it's about correcting something that happens 70 years ago"

Vargas Llosa speaks, Macri listens. One of the scenes of the Fundación Libertad Gala. (Fernando of the Order)

Vargas Llosa speaks, Macri listens. One of the scenes of the Fundación Libertad Gala. (Fernando of the Order)

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The president has developed his concepts: "If you compare with other countries, this period mark the stagnation. It's been three and a half years since Argentina produced a change, in a context where populism had not reached the end. But we have exercised a lot of government on the freedom of the press, opinions. "

"We are liberals in the broad sense of the word because criticism is part of the democratic system, we put the institutions in value, with an independent central bank, and we started to build the infrastructure for a country of our size. But We had problems when the world changed and Argentina has suffered; we come to a difficult path, we live a very difficult moment in Argentina, you have to adjust your belt, people are struggling to make ends meetMacri added.

"Today & # 39; hui we are going out from last year's blow, the field gives us a boost with the harvest and there is the electoral doubt, but we learned with pain, effort and anger. We will reaffirm the path we have taken, "continued the president.

"In every province there are projects. An SME can not grow at a rate of 70%; there is a tough electoral competition; there are people who are convinced that you can continue without working, but I think the Argentines will not come back "Macri closed with an optimistic tone.

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Macri received a strong ovation at the annual Freedom Foundation dinner, a real balm featuring the mbadive presence of businessmen like Alejandro Bulgheroni, Cristiano Rattazzi, Daniel Funes of Rioja, Julio Crivelli, Jaime Campos, Alfonso Romero and Federico Pucciariello, among others. They also said present –with almost complete badistance– members of the presidential cabinet and the administration of Buenos Aires under the direction of María Eugenia Vidal.

Macri and his greetings to those attending the annual Freedom Foundation dinner. (Fernando of the Order)

Macri and his greetings to those attending the annual Freedom Foundation dinner. (Fernando of the Order)

Vargas Llosa took over the initiative: "Nobody can question freedoms, but I will act as the devil's advocate. A journalist told me "I voted and I am going to vote for Macri, but he was wrong and that is what is called gradualism.It has made the mistake of going progressively".

The president replied, "Many people think the same thing, Mario." We explain gradualism because there was no awareness of the level of gravity in which Argentina was located. It was a complex network and we needed time for control, maybe we lost a year in the exercise and we are not starting with a bias to reduce public spending. We put the accent and objectives that could not be achieved and leads to excessive demand, excessive commitment and he generated a noisebut the gradualism is explained by an administration which govern in minorityReforms must be achieved by consensus, and this consensus has generated a state of vulnerability. "

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"I think we're doing a economic structural reformand we must persist and believe that we can continue to improve infrastructure, to open the market, to insert in the world, to education. We are on the difficult path, we no longer believe in the magic exit, "added the president.

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"It's more complex than football. There is no one to save you like Riquelme in Boca: we must respect the law, the freedoms and build a country, "concluded the Macri concept.

Vargas Llosa, in the midst of one of the spicy concepts he's addressed to Mauricio Macri. (Fernando of the Order)

Vargas Llosa, in the midst of one of the spicy concepts he's addressed to Mauricio Macri. (Fernando of the Order)

– If he wins, does politics change? Vargas Llosa insisted.

"We will go in the same direction as quickly as possible," said Macri in an ocean of applause.

-Venezuela is a case without recourse, until now it had not been successful, there was Maduro, Cuba, Russia …

– It is very difficult Venezuela, I spoke with the King of Spain, once sat in Chavez at the table of Mirtha Legrand, while I was head of the government. What we see in Venezuela … is a lie that can not be worse, it can always be worse. We will have to see if any part of the army revolts and provokes a change, so I do not see it.



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