The startling video that terrorized the citizens of the United States: “Is this Bigfoot? “


A tourist navigating Michigan’s rivers caught the moment the strange creature moved. (Photo: Video capture).

The theory that Large Foot Its existence began many years ago, and over time it has gathered more and more followers. Despite the fact that there is no scientific proof that this creature is real, many people believe it. And what happened in Michigan, United States, it is one more argument that they.

It turns out that a tourist was kayaking when he saw that a strange creature crossed the river. Quickly, the man took out his cell phone and recorded the passage of this strange being at a good distance. In the pictures you can see a large hominin covered with a cross of brown fur with something in his arms.

The video was posted on the YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization (RSMO), which is an account dedicated to seeing the sighting of this type of creatures, and it exploded on the platform: it was published on July 12 and it already has 500,000 views.

The company RSMO he also uploaded the video to his page Facebook, where did you get over 150 thousand views. There, one of its researchers and specialist in the subject, expressed: “I’m not saying this creature is Bigfoot, but I’m not saying it’s not.”

“Eddie V” was the user who shared the video on the page, who acknowledged: “My cousin was kayaking on the Cass River here at Michigan, when he took these images ”. The images are so convincing that so far no specialist could come out to deny the theories who were born in social networks.

The picture is not entirely clear: do you see Bigfoot? (Photo: Video capture).

The young man also referred to the content of the video and although he assured that he was not “sure” which creature it was, he clarified that he had sent it to several people and the theories are endless. “Some say it’s Bigfoot carrying a baby of his kind, but others say he’s carrying a deer”added Eddie V.

Note that the video is filmed with a mobile phone so it is not of sufficient quality to elucidate the mystery. In turn, the YouTube channel manipulated it to see it more slowly and managed to bring the image closer to try to recognize Large foot.

With the boom in Bigfoot observations on social media, theories have become the order of the day. In the comments of the RSMO channel, netizens suggest that the figure is “A man in rain boots” that crosses the surface, while others indicate that the area corresponds to an area to which they are going fishing and hunting enthusiasts.

In this sense, and according to the Big Foot Field Researchers Organization, In Michigan, 224 cases of suspected sightings of such beings have been reported so far.


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