The statement of love "hidden" in the grades of the faculty – – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


A student had to take a test at the faculty and she borrowed the notes from a clbadmate. There, nothing odd. The young man accepted the request, but "hidden" in the summary a statement of love that has become viral on social networks.

The name of the girl is María del Mar and she spread the curious story on Twitter. The notes were on the right track until a "hidden confession" of the lover appeared

"Hidden Confession for María Del Mar: I'll try to be as polite and as sincere as possible, the truth is that you look like a good looking mine wherever I look at you, and that I would like you to give me the opportunity to go out one day, get to know you and have a good time, I do not want you to be misplaced to send this haha, but the truth is I would like to go out with you At least to see what happens, I do not have it already and I 'm not sure. I decided to throw myself into the pool, risky decision and a little cheesy, because that is why we can rest until the end of the race, but that is not risky. it's a no, obviously I'm going to respect it because I'm a gentleman, but if it's a yes, take for granted that you will not regret it, after all, he'll have a drink. " Fi n of the statement. "

read summaries that I had a partner in the middle of a partial pre-crisis
UNTIL [19659005] – MDMD (@MaruDamele) July 3, 2018

The tweet of the girl became viral and the comments of the other users of the social network did not take long to arrive. Many have asked him to give the risky gallant a chance, but Maria del Mar's answer is unknown.

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