The statement of the US Embassy about the unusual tweet about CFK


A few minutes later, the same account deleted the tweet and tried to clarify what had happened: "We remove a tweet from our account that we do not publish. We do not know yet how it happened, but we are investigating ".

To integrate

We remove a tweet from our account that we do not publish. We do not know yet how it happened, but we are investigating.

– Embbady USAUUArg (@EmbajadaEEUUarg) March 11, 2019

Later, the embbady issued a statement in which it claimed to have nothing to do with this publication and reject "categorically its content". In addition, they promise to investigate what happened to this "incident", they said.

The complete declaration:

On March 11, 2019, a brief and vague message was tweeted on the Twitter account of the US Embbady in Argentina, and the message seemed to refer to a personality and Argentine domestic policy issues.

Anyone who follows the embbady on social networks, used exclusively to celebrate the long and strong friendship between the United States and Argentina, would have immediately recognized the falsity of the message.

We immediately deleted the tweet and categorically reject its content. We will thoroughly investigate this incident and strengthen our security measures on our social media accounts ".


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