The sterile and morbid impatience of the Bolsonaro clan | Opinion


Sometimes President Bolsonaro and his offspring make me think of a syndrome that a psychiatrist had discovered in a child. The little boy could not wait for a rose to open his petals naturally to show all his beauty. Angry, he destroyed her with his hands before giving him time to open. I imagine that someday, the child would be cured of this madness, otherwise he would eventually destroy himself by breaking the rose that he did not have time to be born.

If anything will distinguish a day to lulisme and dilmisme of the newborn BolsonarianismWas it born unnatural, without respecting the time of gestation? he Bolsonarity, In addition, it is not only a leader, but also the strength or weakness of a whole clan of the family.

Today, Brazil and its form of government are more akin to an imperial dynasty or a royal family than to a representative democracy. There is not only a president who organizes and cares for the nation, but a fierce family group, in whose hands he moves, whether he likes it or not, even though we know he's the one wants, the former army captain Jair Bolsonaro.

Sometimes it seems that those who make the final decisions are their parents, their three children: Carlos, the counselor; Eduardo, MP, and Flávio, Senator. And it is possible that his wife, Michelle, remains silent, although it is notorious that Bolsonaro does not overly believe in the intelligence and competence of women. The president argued that they must earn less than men.

So we are faced with an atypical way of governing that has barely begun its path, and that is already found crushed, impatient, intolerant, I said and did not say and the back of serious claims. All of this is doubly dangerous because it ends up being crippling. Bolsonaro and the form of government that tries to impose his clan are convinced and, like Carlos, the most rejected son of the clan, said in public that "the transformation that Brazil wants will not be done by democratic means ". So which ones?

The declaration, the most serious published to date since the time of the military dictatorship, has long been examined, judged and condemned by the democratic forces of the country. However, it is necessary to emphasize this point because, according to national and international badysts, Brazil is experiencing one of the most politically and economically uncertain times in decades. He could scratch his still fragile democracy, crushed by the horses in a hurry.

This is a moment when you want to deny the very essence of the Brazilian, who is not a farmer of haste, overthrow, but of the slow pace of nature that surrounds him and who has forged his identity. I called sterile Bolsonarianism this is being born and is already scary outside its borders because impatience has never been the instructor of building a city. he Bolsonarianism The attempt to impose on this country, which poses serious problems that have never been completely solved, is not a laboratory of social, spiritual and cultural reconstruction of a people in which the marginalized, who have always been the majority, should hurry to leave. From his hell.

And, sadly, it is precisely the impatience of those who have seized power today that can exacerbate even more deeply the atavistic pain of those excluded from the feast of the privileged who have become owners of the country. And I added this morbid impatience Bolsonarian because, according to the dictionary, it is something "that is obsessed with the allure of the unpleasant, the cruel, the forbidden and that manifests an unhealthy obsession with death".

This is because hastiness and impatience run counter to any possibility of restoring wealth and dignity to those who were necessarily excluded. If something does not need Brazil, the legacy of lulisme and of dilmisme With its lights and shadows, it's galloping a fleeing horse that destroys everything it finds in its path.

he Bolsonarianism and his clan will one day be considered as the most disastrous experience that Brazil needed as the whole world threatens to destroy the conquests of civilization and freedoms that had been defeated with so much pain and sometimes blood.

This sterile impatience of Bolsonaro is so great and so dangerous that we still do not know what came out of his program to discriminate different people and challenge democratic values. And the president is already practically engaged body and soul in the contest of the elections of 2022, contradicting his electoral promises that he would end the re-election in a country where they always seem to govern them.

What seems to identify the Bolsonarianism The retired army is in a hurry to see, in its new president, "deconstruct" the country rather than help to improve it with the help of all. He seems to be more interested in the rubble that he creates in his devastating desire to respect the principles of difference of thought, belief and way of life, than to improve what has already been built and to make justice to those who could never sit at the table of the satisfied.

Bolsonaro's impatience, his desire to create a Brazil in the image of his haste and his iconoclastic impatience, seem rather to be the reflection of the symbolism of the weapons he loves so much and whose image of them drawn from always made the tragic sign of the Gestures of his hands.

Yes, the weapons are in a hurry, they are impatient. Faster and more accurate, it will be because their mission is to kill, to destroy, more than to save. Fast, as the governor of Rio, Wilson Witzel, likes when he says that the police must shoot "to the head", and that this rush of powder seems to have infected the president of this empire that is Brazil, a rich career of thousands of experiences. of life and overcome rather than death. Death suffices at the annual rates of 60,000 homicides, women killed or stupid every day in the hands of men. The Brazilians now want someone who talks to them more about life than death, hope that intemperance.

Any political experience generated in the germ of the culture of impatience and destruction goes against nature that only decomposes when it is overwhelmed by haste. All that is born on our planet bears the imprint of patience, of reflection, of knowing how to wait and listen to the laws that govern it since the beginning of the universe.

The example that the best born in the world must respect gestation time is life. Ours and that of all nature. Everything needs time to grow and mature. The human being could be conceived and born instantly. It does not work that way. The fetus prepares silently and waits. And that's all, we were born crying, as if we still felt the weight of the unfinished.

This reflection has reminded me of one of my most difficult experiences as a journalist and interviewer in Italy. It is with Federico Fellini, director and creator of a new style of cinema, author of immortal works such as Rome or Dolce Vita. The genius was shy in adolescence. And he did not like being interviewed. He even said that it "did not exist", that we had created journalists. One morning, however, he ended up quoting me for a "quick" interview, he said.

Already at the first question I dismounted. I wanted to know how the titles of his films appeared. To feel safer, he always wore a wool scarf, winter or summer, and a felt hat. And during the interview, he had under the eyes of the blank sheets of paper in which, to distract himself and not to look at you, he scribbled. He will tell me later that his first love was to draw comics.

My question seemed stupid. It took time to answer. After a few seconds of reflection, he told me that there were no miracles in what we are doing. That everything has its time and its rhythm. "I start," he explained, "to work on a film, ideas come to me, I capture them in images and as in the miracle of a birth, the title is formed in my mind, growing up until he is born alone ".

It is the difference between the morbid impatience impatience and the slow wisdom of nature, which does not run, who knows how to wait until its maturity. It was an experience I had never forgotten and which, at my age, today confirms that everything that is a child of unnecessary haste, abuse and violence is contagious and deadly.

I am critical of him Bolsonarianism as I was already with others isms, some of which I have personally suffered and which are usually the result of populism and a barren haste rather than the wisdom of being patient rather than abusive use of weapons.

If Brazil, as it is said, needs to resuscitate its lethargy and past abuses, it will only be possible to destroy, to begin to respect what has already been vanquished, sometimes, with so much suffering and so much suffering. blocking points. No sterile or morbid precipitation. And without fatal shortcuts.

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