The "stick" of Vero Lozano to his companion Nicole Neumann for his constant travels abroad


The host of Cortá por Lozano referred to the repeated shortcomings of the model in his program. Look what he said

Over the past few months, Nicole Neumann chose to cut with routine and spicy crosses with her ex Fabián Cubero and Mica Viciconte with trips abroad.

Coupled with Matías Tasin the model was again absent from Cortá by Lozano to live a kind of honeymoon with the businessman. And of course, that did not go unnoticed by Verónica Lozano . Invited to Best of the Night the cycle of his ex-partner Leo Montero by the New the driver shot with humor while talking about the situation.

"When I grow up, I want to be Nicole Neumann." Everyone goes on a trip, if God and the Virgin of Itatí accompany me, I asked permission to leave a year ago … and those pendejas of first … they go where they want! "

" Nikita who tells me "Vero, I'm going to make another trip" "he began, mimicking his voice, then laughed at the situation:" I say "listen to me, when I grow up I want to be Nicole Neumann." "Everyone leaves when traveling. "If God and the Virgin of Itatí accompany me, I ask permission to leave a year ago. … and those little morons … they go wherever they want! . "

Look at the funny criticism that he made Vero Lozano on the Constant Journeys of ] Nicole Neumann !

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