The story of a family who chooses to settle in La Plata and goes from celebration to drama


Lucas's grandfather arrived here 23 years ago. Hours before the tragedy in the colony, they celebrated the Chinese New Year

The story of a family who chooses to settle in La Plata and goes from celebration to drama

At the door of supermarket 46 between 3 and 4, the Lin family hung posters asking for justice / G. Mainoldi

23 years ago, "José" Lin arrived in Argentina, by boat and with "What's on".

Beside him was his wife, while his four children stayed in China. They chose the province of Buenos Aires as a possible solution, in search of better economic and social opportunities.

Min, one of the smallest members of the lin lineage, arrived 13 years later with his three brothers. For all, arriving in a new place completely different from their hometown has been a long and difficult process.

Shortly after, Min and his father began operating a supermarket in the Barrio Norte district (where they live today), at 13 and 32.

Years later, they would take the reins of "Don Jose", between 46 and 46 hours. In the middle of this working vortex, Min met Ying, with whom he had two children.

With two large companies in charge, the time spent with children has been shortened. For this reason, and in order to encourage the activity of their children – aged 5 and 7 – both were sent to the summer camp located on the premises of the Lincoln School and accommodating its 518 and 137 years old.

Both went to this educational institution, so they would be with their clbadmates and acquaintances.

They started last Friday. The abrupt end occurred four days later, with the death of Lucas Kevin, the youngest of two children.

The day before the tragedy, the family had celebrated the Chinese New Year, which began on Tuesday with the beginning of the new moon, one of the biggest celebrations of the Asian country.

Tong, a friend of Min and Ying, said that "the family was very close, that day they were celebrating and the next day it happened."

For the man, if the case is not resolved and the culprits are not imprisoned ", it will be bad for us, but also for you, as Argentineans, because they (for the Lin family) are also Argentines. "

In the meantime, Lucas's brother, hearing the news, "was very distressed, he does not understand why this happened," added Tong.


Although Chinese immigration numbers in Argentina are not quite accurate, it is estimated that about 200,000 people, according to unofficial data, provided by the Ambbadador of the People's Republic of China (RPC) in Buenos Aires, Yang Wanming.

The 2010 national census resulted in nearly 9,000 people born in the PRC and nearly 3,000 in Taiwan. At the same time, the National Directorate of Migration reported that between 2004 and 2012, 28,918 authorizations had been granted to Chinese citizens.

What is certain is that it is the fourth largest country in our country

The region of origin is generally Taiwan and Fujian, mainly, and it is believed that a high percentage of Chinese immigrants comes from the Hakka ethnic group.


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