The story of a young man who, at 14, started digging a hole in the garden and now lives in his well-house | the Chronicle


When at only 14 years old, Andres Calvo Tired of arguing with parents about how to dress every time they went to the center of the city of Alicante, Spain, he decided to find a way to become independent from his father’s house. and started digging a well in the large garden he has at home.

Six years later, and just turning 20, the young Spaniard decided to share the story via his Twitter account and show what is now an underground cave, which already functions as a house.

“March 9, 2015: after a pre-pubescent temper tantrum, I started hitting the bench, I didn’t handle my emotions very well”The story began with the young man, who explains how it took over time to put in place the logistics to carry out a job of this magnitude.

Work was progressing and in 2019 he had built the first room, while in 2021, when its history and construction went viral, he already has an armed cave house, built with his own hands with all the comforts.

This space has three rooms with light, heating, oven and even Wi-Fi, which he was able to add as the work progressed.

As he explained, he stopped digging because he leaves his hometown to study abroad, because he wants to be an actor, but he does not rule out that in the future he can return to his cave. and continue to expand it.


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