The story of friendship between an elephant and a camel that burst out laughing all the Danish Parliament


Four elephants and a camel … This seems the beginning of a joke, and to a certain extent, it was since the report read by the Danish Prime Minister. Mette Frederiksen caused laughter from the entire Parliament of Denmark. The policy explained to the deputies a new law prohibiting the use of certain exotic animals to circuses and was tempted when he said that for this reason, the government bought five animals from a circus.

According to Frederiksern, the government I was going to buy only the four elephants, called Ramboline, Lara, Djungla and Jenny, to retire to a reserve, but they eventually had to buy a camel, Ali.

The why? Ali and Rambolins are inseparable friends and coexist since 2010 in Dannebrog Circus, said the head of government with a laugh that infected the rest of the deputies.

The government has paid nearly 1,500,000 euros for animals, said the prime minister.


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