The story of the “avenging angel”: he chased away pedophiles and attacked them with hammer blows | the Chronicle


Jason Vukovich, also known as “Avenging angel”, He is 44 years old and is a male of Alaska, United States, what was that sentenced to 25 years in prison after attacking pounding pedophiles.

The accused has been imprisoned since 2018 and the sentence three assaults on child molesters. The man had managed to locate these pedophiles thanks to the registry of sex offenders in the city of Anchorage. In this way got their information so they could get to their homes and attack them.

“My family was very religious and they took me to all activities two or three a week. So you can imagine the horror and confusion I experienced when my foster dad started using nightly “ prayer ” sessions to deceive meVukovich recalled his childhood. Although your abuser has been convicted of second degree violence against a minor, He only received a three-year suspended sentence he therefore did not have to serve a sentence in a prison cell.

In addition, after resolution, Vukovich received no psychological assistance and ran away from home at an early age. From there he started a criminal life which led him to have a frequent criminal record.

At 2016, Vukovich wrote in a notebook a list of names of child molesters, which included Wesley demarest, 67 years old.

According to Demarest, on June 29, 2016, a hammer smashed the glass of one of the windows in his house. Then he said he didn’t quite remember what had happened, only that he woke up on the ground and in the middle of a pool of blood.

Demarest was Vukovich’s third victim in a few days, he had done the same with Charles Albee, Andres Barbosa. After attacking Demarest, he was unable to escape and half an hour after the attack, the police caught him. All the victims admitted that the perpetrator repeated a sentence to them when attacking them: “I am a vengeful angel.”

Before being sentenced to 25 years in prison for his crimes, Vukovich wrote a letter in which he admitted his mistakes and was sorry for his actions. “To victims of sexual abuse who lost their childhood like me, please do not throw away your present and your future by committing acts of violence”, expressed the condemned.


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