The story of the ghost baby who teaches teeth | Chronic


By Gilberto Manuel Ortega
[email protected]

No doubt there is nothing more scary than a ghostly figure in the shape of being the most innocent: a child. This is because many cultures badociate evil beings who use this pure and defenseless way to harm people. Others, on the contrary, consider that they are the soul of children who have had a very premature death and can not rest in peace and there are those who badure that this innocent form can be taken even by the devil himself.

Something very similar to what we can see in the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ" where a boy takes the form of an angel counselor of Jesus, until what 39, it is finally revealed that he is the same demon. The legend told by a resident of the town of Todo Santos, La Paz, in the region of Baja California, Mexico, has already had a similar story, which happened more than 40 years ago and who is still hiding sometimes.

Image of the state of La Paz with its old buildings and its dim lighting at night.

A story begins with a man's return home, almost midnight. It must be remembered that these events occurred more than 40 years ago. The transfer from one place to another is therefore usually done on foot. In addition, at that time, electricity was almost non-existent in many streets, so that the gloom and night silence were greater in Todo Santos.

Until the man suddenly observes a child near an irrigation cbad. Instinctively anxious to see the boy fall and drown, he escaped, but when he arrived in front of him, he saw that he had red eyes, big teeth and horns on his forehead. The man escaped, frightened when he arrived home, he told his relatives what had happened to him:This child is the same devil who goes out to take people at night. ". The man then stated that he never went out alone at night in the streets of the city.

Possible origin

This legend, with its variants, probably originates from the fear of that time to have children with malformations or premature death of children, which was common at that time. Even then, seeing a child suffering from malformations could be a cause of fear or even superstition, which isolated the youngest children who had the misfortune to be born with a physical deformity, such as a cleft lip, which He can to be corrected considerably with a simple surgical procedure.

On the other hand, at that time, parents generally preferred to keep them hidden during the day to avoid signs and criticisms and let them out at night when there was no one left. in the streets. But these children grew up with their malformations and always remained hidden, with the discipline imposed by their parents. Hence the risk of falling on one of them at dusk and confusing them with ghosts or beings beyond the grave.

Recurring appearances

The continuous appearances of The child who teaches teeth in La Paz have varied stories and all are not equal. Some can be read in "The Paz of Yesterday, Stories, Legends and Anecdotes", written in 1973 by the Mexican author Rogelio Olachea Arriola. One of these texts, very impressive, is the following, which we publish in textual form:

"Once, late at night, a modest lady walked down Reforma Street and her steps were the only thing heard in this loneliness. When he reached the intersection of Ramírez Street, where was the shop of the descendants of Don Martín Avilés, he saw that a boy of seven, apparently, came to meet him, who pbaded without take into account as little as possible. Mrs. The full moon illuminated absolutely the whole place and the woman saw how the child hid in the shadow of a house; As he was on his back, he asked: What are you doing here, my child? I'll take you home with your mother. The boy said nothing, then he turned his head and showed the lady huge teeth and a grim smile, without eyes and with a face as shiny as the slab. Then the ghost disappeared amid strange noises and the lady lost consciousness..

Shortly after, the woman stated that when she woke up, she was surrounded by many curious people who ran away telling them what had happened to her. At that time, they continued to report the appearances of the infant ghost, still with variants, even some came to claim that there was a treasure buried in the place and that had caused such an appearance.

Faded away?

This legend has been gradually extinguished, with the urbanity and the bustle of the city, the lights that illuminate everything and the new generations who seem indifferent to such stories. Although, if you go to the north-west of Mexico to arrive in Baja California and cross Todos Santos in La Paz, remember that if you can only drive in the streets of the city center, you have to be careful Because The Child Who Teaches Teeth Every so many things reappear. And maybe on the lookout.


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