The story of the man who was eaten by the lion he was caring for in his garden


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The story of the man who died eaten by the lion.

Michal Prasek had two lions in the yard of his house, which had already caused him problems with his neighbors and the authorities. The 33-year-old lived in the town of Zechov in the northeastern Czech Republic, and was found dead by his father in one of the cages.

According to the authorities, his body was destroyed after being attacked by the nine-year-old animal. Prasek had acquired the Lion in 2016 and, a year later, he bought a young lioness to breed. Both animals were kept in separate cages built by itself, in the courtyard of the family house.

At that time, the breeding of these animals aroused the concern of the neighbors. Besides, leads to the failure of the intervention of the authorities, who found no legal basis to force him to give up his goal.

Despite the fact that Prasek was refused permission to build the cages and was consequently fined for illegal breeding of animals, he was able to keep them by refusing anyone to enter his property.
Also, since there were no other facilities to move the lions and there was no evidence that they were being mistreated, the authorities could not remove them by force. This, however, did not solve any problem.

Indeed, last summer, the case caused a sensation in the local press after a cyclist collided with the lion when Prasek took him for a ride tied with a chain. On this occasion, the police intervened but the incident was considered a traffic accident.

Ultimately, Prasek’s father found his son dead in the lion’s cage, which was locked from the inside. After notifying the police, the authorities decided to execute the two lions, assuring that this was the only way to recover the body.


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