The story of the pregnant trans man who broadcast live on social media


Danny wakefield is a transgender man from Duvall, Wisconsin, USA who has gone viral on social media posting photos of his pregnancy process and, for the past few hours, has shared the emotional moment he gave birth to her baby Wilder.

The moving moment happened at his home and was immortalized on his Instagram account. However, it was on TikTok that the video generated more than a million views and 100,000 likes.

From the start of his pregnancy, he received positive feedback from his followers, which encouraged him to move on to breaking down all prejudices. For 8 months, the man posted the start of his process when he got pregnant. Under user @dannythetransdad, month after month, he shared his progress. He assured that hearing the first heartbeat of his creature will be forever etched in his heart.

The emotion of Danny, when his daughter was not yet born.

The emotion of Danny, when his daughter was not yet born.

Throughout the pregnancy, the trans father, as he calls himself on social networks, wrote various messages about how he felt, since he considers that “he had never seen a beauty” like that of pregnancy in her body.

Due to the complicated situation hospitals around the world are going through due to the coronavirus pandemic, he has decided to make his bathtub the place of birth. His birth team set up a video camera at one end of the room to record the exact moment Danny gave birth. “I have never felt so powerful and proud in my entire life. It’s the most epic thing I’ve ever done. What an amazing delivery team I had,” he wrote on his Instagram account.

The new father, about to give birth to his daughter Wilder.

The new father, about to give birth to his daughter Wilder.

His baby, whom he named Wilder Lea, was born weighing 3 kilograms and 50 centimeters long. In subsequent articles, Wakefield expressed how painful the birth was, but at the same time how happy she was with it, making it clear that her life had changed completely.

“Giving birth has been the most painful and powerful experience of my life. Don’t be fooled by the video, I didn’t think I could do it. Giving birth to my baby at home in the water was the perfect end to such a difficult pregnancy. This pregnancy taught me a lot about confidence in myself, my body and my intuition, ”she says.

The girl weighed three kilograms and was 50 centimeters tall.

The girl weighed three kilograms and was 50 centimeters tall.

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