The story of the trans mother who surprises the world


The story of the trans mother who surprises the world

Stephan Gaeth and Wyley Simpson

Stephan Gaeth and Wyley Simpson never imagined that they could become parents in a natural way. Wyley is a transgender woman who, for 6 years, has been fighting for her feminine features to disappear from her body. He used an intense treatment with high testosterone consumption and had almost completed it. That's why he was surprised to find that the pregnancy test was positive. However, together they decided to take charge of this adventure and live with little Rowan for four months. There is no doubt about the surprise, but they took charge of their story and decided to make it viral to "help" all people in the same state. It's a gay couple from the United States with a son, a dog and a van with which they have traveled the roads to travel the country and live in their own way.


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