The story of women "too ugly" to take selfies that inspire the world | Chronic


The history of Melissa Blake, a 38-year-old American journalist and blogger, has become viral in the last few hours, due to the inspiration of her message.

Blake, who is disabled, writes a blog called "So about what I said." His presence in the networks has drawn hundreds of cruel comments about his appearance. The woman revealed that she had received messages from the trolls informing her that "They should forbid me to post selfies because I'm very ugly".

Melissa was born with the genetic bone disease and muscular syndrome "Freeman-Sheldon", the woman has undergone nearly 30 operations, but refuses to let her disability define her. After posting photos of herself and compared to a "globe fish", the reporter responds with an emotional thread on Twitter and adds three more images.

In the last round of Trollgate, people said that I should not be allowed to post pictures of myself because I'm so ugly. So I would just like to commemorate the occasion with these 3 selfies …

– Melissa Blake (@melissablake)
September 7, 2019

"In the last round of Trollgate, people said that they should forbid me to post pictures of me because I'm too ugly, so I'd like to commemorate the occasion with these 3 selfies. ", says the message of the brave tweet.

"[…] I'm tired of people thinking that it's normal to insult a woman's appearance. Yes, my disability makes me different. Believe me, I know. I have completely known "keep on going.

Melissa poses smiling at the critics of her enemies.

The thread has resulted in an extremely motivating message: "This is only one example among so many of the abilities that everyday people with differences experience and is something I constantly try to change.".

User response

"People who decide to be trolls do not like me … I like the positivity that this tweet becomes and that it really deserves." Ignore the trolls, they did not no purpose in society " commented one of the Internet users.

In other responses, they suggested that this inspiring woman summon her to the show. Ellen DeGeneres, which addresses these types of topics in his program.

In just a few hours, Melissa Blake's tweet generated more than 157,000 "likes" and 3,600 user comments that admired their value, determination and self-confidence. He joined 29,000 followers and the words that many have dedicated to him moved the writer.


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