the strange case of model Paige DeAngelo


The case of a 20-year-old student who was born with two uteri and two vaginas has become known in the past few hours. It is Paige DeAngelo, What is wrong with this uterine didelph, a disorder present from birth that means you have two fully functioning reproductive systems.

As reported by the Mirror of England, due to the condition it also has two periods, which means you could be pregnant in one of your wombs and not know it until you have other symptoms as well.

Uterine didelphysis is a birth defect. The uterus has its cavity divided into two parts by a septum, which may be full to reach the cervix or only reach two-thirds, one-half, or one-third of the uterine cavity. Paige revealed it in your TikTok account (to have 300,000 followers) and added that she could get pregnant in both wombs at the same time, which would be very dangerous.

Model and tiktoker Paige DeAngelo has more than 300,000 subscribers.

Model and tiktoker Paige DeAngelo has more than 300,000 subscribers.

The young woman had suffered irregular periods, sometimes once every two weeks, for years, but was only diagnosed with uterine didelphysis after seeing a gynecologist for the first time. at 18 years old. It was just a normal exam, but the doctor told her to call her mom, Carol Ann VanAuken, 53, to hear the news. “Anyway, when I saw his face, I knew something was wrong,” he says.

Paige said, “I’ve always had very irregular periods, but it was actually two intermittent cycles. Sometimes it was once a month and other times twice a month, just a few weeks apart. It was always a bet of when was i going to have it, and it happened all through high school. “

In the networks, the reactions of people when they are friendly and funny, said DeAngelo, who said he has received many specific questions concerning your condition.

DeAngelo said he realized his problem when he first visited a gynecologist, aged 18.

DeAngelo said he realized his problem when he first visited a gynecologist, aged 18.

“People think they are two separate vaginas outside, but it doesn’t, that’s why I didn’t know for 18 years. Each side is half the size of a normal vagina. It’s okay, but it shows clearly, ”he said of the anatomy of that part of his body.

The biggest surprise was when they did the first MRI: “I was like ‘what is this?’, And they said ‘you have two reproductive systems!’ I had no idea, honestly I didn’t even deal with it right away. I thought it was a little funny at first. I had never heard of it, but when I went back to the gynecologist and talked about what it entailed, that’s where it hit me. “

Paige’s condition puts her at a much higher risk of premature labor or miscarriage because her uteruses are much smaller than usual, to the point that a doctor has told her that for her maximum safety, if she wanted to have children, she should probably have a surrogate mother.

Paige, is a student at Drexel University, Philadelphia cream, he said that she was frustrated of not being able to start a family like she always dreamed of, but she is optimistic and has found great support in an international community of women on Facebook who suffer from uterine didelphus like her.

It’s discouraging, but I am a person who always sees the glass half full; and the fact that there are people who could have children is what keeps me going, ”said the young girl.

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