The strange case of the young woman who got pregnant without having had sex | the Chronicle


The world is shocked by the case of the woman who never had sex and got pregnant while a virgin.

The story of Nicole moore, who suffered from vaginismus, a condition that causes the muscles of the sexual organ to contract involuntarily, has revolutionized social media.

The young woman from the English town of Hampshire got pregnant eight years ago after finding other ways to have non-penetrating sex with her boyfriend.

She revealed that nurses who didn’t know about her condition wouldn’t believe her when she said she had never had sex, but after asking for a second opinion, it was confirmed that, while rare, It is possible to get pregnant without having Sexual activity introduced fluids into the vaginal area.

With the help of physiotherapy, she was finally able to lose her virginity and have penetrating sex while she was five months pregnant.

Nicole’s pregnancy ultrasound.

“I had spent my whole teenage life not being able to insert a tampon, so I knew something was wrong,” he claimed.

When I was 18, I started a relationship with my daughter’s father. We started trying to have sex, he was a few years older and had more experience “added.

This is how she found out she was pregnant

The young woman said that one day she went to work and started having terrible heartburn and pain in her breasts. “My boss at the time, who was a close friend and knew about my situation, said she thought I might be pregnant, ”she said.I laughed and said there was no way, since I was still a virgin and had never had penetrative sex, ”he replied.

Then he explained that the same day he had taken a test and that he was positive and that his biggest fear now was that his partner thought he had cheated on him, from the “miraculous” situation he experienced until ‘at the moment. was impossible.

More pictures of Nicole and her baby girl

One of the first public images of Nicole’s baby.

It was Nicole’s pregnant belly.


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