The strange story of the man who sleeps 300 days a year because of a mysterious illness | the Chronicle


42 year old man named PurkharamIn India, she suffers from a strange illness that causes migraines and dreams so deep that she can sleep up to 25 days in a row. This is the hypersomnia of the HPA axis, an extremely unusual condition that does not allow people to function normally in their lives.

Purkharam lives in India and has a store in his hometown, which he can only serve five days a month because his illness no longer allows him to stay awake any longer. THEThe strangest thing that has happened to him from this illness is that he fell asleep while working and woke up the following month.e.

Doctors told Purkharam that the disease developed when she was 19. Since then, the man, originally from India, has spent about 300 days a year in a dream state and without the capacity to react..

The family of this unfortunate Indian have to feed and even clean him while he is sleeping soundly.. At the onset of illness, Purkharam slept 15 hours at a stretch. In 2015, the man did not sleep for hours, but for days. He fell asleep for 7-8 days in a row, until the disease progressed and now he sleeps for almost a full month.

Relatives told Republic Word that the treatments Purkharam has tried to date cause side effects such as headaches and fatigue.

15% of the population suffers from chronic insomnia

Contrary to what happens to this Indian citizen, many people suffer from serious problems with insomnia throughout their life and only manage to fall asleep for a few hours a day with difficulty.

In this sense, the doctor Juan Facundo Nogueira, pulmonologist and specialist in sleep medicine at Clínicas hospital, gave some thoughts on sleep problems in society and recommendations for achieving good rest.

Quality sleep is essential for our health, along with a balanced diet and regular physical activity. People with healthy, uninterrupted sleep have lower rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases.

“Sleep is a natural process, which is triggered by reducing physiological, emotional and mental activation. The quantity and quality of sleep is essential for the proper functioning of our body, especially the brain”, commented Nogueira.

Between 30-50% of people experience insomnia at some point in their life and it is estimated that around 10-15% suffer from chronic insomnia, accompanied by the lifestyle of modern society that has determined that today people sleep about 2 hours less. than 50 years ago.

Lack of sleep or insufficient sleep can lead to stress, anxiety, reduced intellectual performance, memory loss and mental disorders like depression and drug addiction. Likewise, scientific studies have described increased mortality in adults who sleep less than 7 hours. This is why we must recognize the importance of having good sleep habits.

Insomnia can manifest itself in a number of ways, such as difficulty falling asleep while lying down, waking up multiple times at night with fragmented sleep, and waking up in the middle of the night without being able to go back to sleep.


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