The streets intervened to remind the militant …


The Pbadarinho Collective, a group created to preserve the legacy of Marielle Franco, recalled the first anniversary of the crime by intervening in various public spaces with posters stating "Rua Marielle Franco.

Franco was murdered on 14 March 2018 with his driver, Anderson Gomes, in Rio de Janeiro. He was 38 years old and was an adviser to the city of Rio de Janeiro. Sociologist, activist for the rights of women and homobaduals. State agents were involved in the crime, as acknowledged by the Ministry of Public Security last August.

The two former police officers recently arrested, accused of involvement in the murder, have close ties to President Jair Bolsonaro. Elio Vieira de Queiroz and Ronnie Lessa have been accused of being responsible for the double homicide. Queiroz has a photo with Bolsonaro on his Facebook profile, while Lessa lived in the same country where Bolsonaro lived as a former military until Brazil's presidency. Jair Renan, the youngest son of the president, was the boyfriend of Lessa's daughter.

While Brazil and the world remember Marielle, here are some of the images that could be seen in Buenos Aires before the homage paid by their supporters to the obelisk this afternoon.

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