The striking photo of the G20 and Fernández’s place – News


Faced with the impossibility of bringing together the leaders in the Arab city of Riyahd, the organizers of the G20 had to resort to technological tools to have the classic family photo with all the participants.

In it, Alberto Fernández appears in the center of the middle row, behind the King of Saudi Arabia, Salmán bin Abdulaziz; to the left of Bolsonaro; and the Bulgarian Georgieva, director general of the credit organization with which Argentina negotiates the refinancing of its debt.

Before the start of the meeting, each of the heads of state had sent their individual photographs, which were then edited with those of the others to shape the iconic image of these meetings.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga were also seen around the Argentine President.

This Saturday, Fernández spoke in front of his peers. It was in a virtual environment but closed to the press. He insisted on the call for a global solidarity pact. The President prepared his speech with the Ambassador to the United States, Jorge Argüello.

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