the students gave their teachers pancakes with sperm and urine


May 22, 2019
– 11:05

That 's what happened in the city of Powell, in the state of Ohio, when a group of students asked them to d & # 39; try the pancakes prepared by the teachers for a clbad.

A scandal of cosmic proportions shakes the American public opinion, although the cause is more typical of a film for youth in the manner of Porky o American pie that some of the president's weavings and rides Donald Trump.

It happens that in a secondary education from the city of Powell, Ohio, USA, a group of students cooked crepes using sperm and l & # 39; urine for a clbad; and they gave them to test the teachers.

The fact happened in the context of a clbad called "Global Gourmet"This is dictated in the Hyatts College. There, different groups of students were responsible for preparing different dishes, but one of them in particular prepared pancakes with the help of body fluidsand one of its members filmed the procedure.


As often happens in these cases, the video ends to arrive in one way or another to the authorities of the school, who decided to bring the case to justice. The local sheriff himself started a police investigation to check if what is seen in the pictures is true or not.

Although no charges have been filed, the sheriff's office announced which is the subject of an investigation 8 studentswhen creperies are made and badyzed.

In addition, it was announced that if the "misdemeanor", The eight suspects could face Serious accusations of aggression against at least five people, between teachers and school staff.

For their part, they warned the school that any student who violated the rules of coexistence would bear the consequences. "The safety of our students and staff is of paramount importance, and the district and local police are thoroughly investigating this incident. Anyone who breaks the rules of the school will be responsible for his actions. We are also focusing our efforts on supporting teachers affected by this incident, "says a statement issued by education authorities.


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