The summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un has begun


The American president Donald Trump and the North Korean chef Kim Jong Un They were optimistic Wednesday in Hanoi at the start of their second summit, eight months after the historic meeting of Singapore

The two leaders shook hands in front of a row of American and North Korean flags in a luxury hotel in the Vietnamese capital.

"I think it's going to be very successful"said Trump in a brief comment to the press. He added that he hoped that the summit, centered on the denuclearization of the North Korean regime, would be "equivalent or superior to the first".

Trump: North Korea will have a "big" future if it abandons its nuclear program

The North Korean leader said for his part that he was "sure" to get positive results this time around. "I'm sure this time there will be great results that will be welcomed by all"The North Korean leader said," I will do my best to make this happen. "

Washington is asking Pyongyang to give up its nuclear arsenal in exchange for lifting the sanctions, but no concrete progress has been recorded since the Singapore meeting.


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