The summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, intimate enemies? – 07/15/2018


The scene is ready: the presidential palace of Finland sparkles under the sun, and inside you shake hands under the domes and luxurious Monday lamps that are probably both powerful world men, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

The interest is huge because the US President Trump seems to have a strange bond of sympathy with his Russian counterpart, but also because it's the main step of & dquo; A European tour in which before was devoted to despising the policy of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the British Prime Minister, Theresa May as well as to threaten all the countries of the world. NATO.

But also because coinciding with the The first summit between Trump and Putin has brought to light other revelations about the alleged Russian intervention in the US election campaign in 2016.

  Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Danang, Vietnam, November 11, 2017. REUTERS

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Danang, Vietnam, November 11, 2017. REUTERS

The meeting has a huge international impact and there are 1,500 accredited journalists but it is doubtful that there are concrete results in the end. It is also unclear whether a relationship that has been going through its worst moments in decades can be relaunched. Whatever happens, Trump will say that it was a success as during the meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, although that it ends with beautiful words but without binding results. 19659003] Helsinki for its part is involved in the summit fever. The faces of the two leaders are seen in many t-shirts and bottles of beer and a bookstore sells "matrioshkas" (Russian dolls) of Putin and Trump.

About 8,500 kilometers from the Finnish capital, Washington, all revolves around one theme: the new charges in the "Rusiagate". Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller on Friday accused 12 Russian agents of hacking the emails of Democrats during the 2016 election campaign. This is the first time that the Russian secret services GRU are directly accused of being responsible for the coup against the Democratic party that was Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton.

  A set of ninots of Presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin (left), USA, Donald Trump (center) and North Korea, Kim Jomg-a (right). EFE

A series of ninots of the presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin (left), the United States, Donald Trump (center) and North Korea, Kim Jomg-a (right). EFE

The news has fallen like a bomb. And especially a detail of the prosecution: the agents tried to access Clinton 's staff servers around or the same July 27. The same day, Trump said at a press conference on the Clinton scandal: "Russia, if you listen, I hope you can find the 30,000 missing emails."

A few hours before the announcement. In the indictment, Trump complained that investigations made it very difficult for him to cooperate with Moscow. He later rejected any connivance with Russia and accused his predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama, of doing nothing against hacker attacks. And why did not he do it, according to him? "Because I thought that rogue Hillary Clinton was going to win the election, that's why."

The fact that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has laid the charge before the summit with Putin shows once again that Trump and his government are not following the same line with respect to the Russia.

  Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will shake hands again Monday. AFP

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will shake hands again Monday. AFP

US authorities sell arms to Ukraine, apply sanctions against Moscow, expel Russian diplomats, accuse the Kremlin of human rights violations. But Trump does not really seem to support these measures. Although he says that no one has followed a harsher policy against Moscow, he is constantly undermining the official line, for example by sowing doubt that the United States may recognize the annexation of Crimea by Russia.

Trump's advisers had to go out and deny the possibility that the president make concessions to Putin. The US ambbadador to Moscow, Jon Huntsman, said he would be held accountable for his role in the civil wars in Syria and Ukraine, as well as alleged computer attacks against the United States.

It will be very difficult to confirm the veracity of these statements and the results of the meeting if Trump and Putin meet (as planned) alone and then hold a joint press conference. The meeting will begin at local noon

  The Matryoshka dolls with images of Trump and Putin. AFP

Matryoshka dolls with images of Trump and Putin. AFP

Russia has lowered expectations before the appointment clearly. It would only be a success to resume a normal dialogue, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. "Almost every communication channel that has been created in the last 10 years is frozen."

For the Kremlin, it is already a success that the summit is celebrated because it seems that the time of isolation is over. started after the annexation of Crimea. With its intervention in the war in Syria, Russia regained a great international weight

and Putin will not face Barack Obama, who rejected Russia as a regional power, but Trump, who badured that you can imagine being a friend of Russia.

The Russian media's vision of the US president has varied over the months in a well-orchestrated manner from the celebration of his victory to deception and now a certain attitude of disdain. ] March in New York against the summit of presidents. AFP ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

March in New York against the summit of presidents. AFP

Moscow drew its conclusions from Trump's meeting with North Korean Kim, says expert Vladimir Frolov in the Moscow Times . "Putin sees how easy it was for Kim Jong – a weakening of the US negotiating position to guarantee the image of Trump's success in Singapore."

And Putin has very concrete goals. He wants to avoid further US pressure on Moscow, says Frolov. Russia responded relatively well to sanctions, but with the new round in April, the United States intervened directly in the ownership structure of the big Russian companies.

  The members of the Finnish True Finland party support President Trump in Helsinki. EFE

The members of the True Finns Party in Finland support President Trump in Helsinki. EFE

For example, millionaire Ole Deripaska had to give up control of Rusal, a major global producer of aluminum. "This (thinks Frolov) undermines Putin's desire for the full sovereignty of Russia."

What will then be the official result of the Helsinki Summit? Frolov believes that Putin could pledge that Russia will not intervene in the November legislative elections in the United States, a success that Trump could sell at home.

Frolov's comment shows, however, how much has happened since Trump came to power. power, if it is possible to sell such a message in a democracy as a success.

Agencia dpa.

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