The supremacist Steve Bannon, guest of honor of Jair Bolsonaro during the visit to Donald Trump – 16/03/2019


Steve Bannon, former White House strategist and ideologue of the American nationalist right, will be one of Jair Bolsonaro's guest guests at a dinner hosted Monday in the residence of the Brazilian ambbadador to Washington.

The meeting will take place before the meeting between the Brazilian president and his American counterpart, Donald Trump. A group of conservative exhibitors will participate with him, the Miami Herald wrote on Saturday.

"Some members of the Bolsonaro team see themselves as followers of the Bannon movement and their representatives in Brazil and Latin America," said Fernando Cutz, former director of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the National Security Council. from the Trump government.

The Suprematists next to Trump when he occupied the Secretary of National Security.

The supremacists next to Trump when he occupied the Secretary of National Security.

Tuesday, Trump will receive Bolsonaro at the Oval Office to discuss trade, transnational crime and the crisis in Venezuela.

Bannon, a controversial leader with strong xenophobic and Islamophobic ideas, has ties to Bolsonaro's family and reportedly advised the Brazilian president's campaign.



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