The synod for the Amazon


At first they seemed "gestures". A word that is used a lot. But the pope rarely made "gestures". Yours are actions. By "gestures" we mean a wink, something more perishes at innuendo, which implies a political perspective. Francisco himself took charge, a few years ago, during a press conference, to clean what he calls "politics" because for the concentrated press, as well as for his constituents , politics is generically bad, it is connoted as a tool of manipulation or an instrument of ambition of power or greed. This time, the pope stopped the car in front of an envoy who hinted that his "gestures" were too "political". "High politics is something very noble," he said.

He knows that the stepping stone through which the new financial elites have perched on an almost unlimited (and illegal) power in this turbulent period in which he had to exercise his papacy is precisely the anti-political. He is paid by both the media and entrepreneurs and by CEOS. It's the use of disenchantment or the policy challenge of millions of people around the world who have been betrayed by leaders who have replaced the politics with something weird, dirty and unpleasant. dark. Does Macri do politics? Lenin Moreno does politics? Peña Nieto did politics? Duke does politics? Yes, but even politics, even if it's bad, even if it's only to favor 1% of the population, ends when the IMF comes into the picture. Various name Two issues of treacherous politics and two laboratory products. Only those who have signed a blood commitment to their representatives can make healthy and noble politics. They are persecuted or imprisoned. They are stigmatized as "jets" or "dictators" the jets and dictators of our time.

When the pope made his first visit to the region, he went to Brazil. Meet young people And there, he said that his memory "created problems" He probably wanted to say several things, but among these, there was a crossing with the wave that very few people saw coming, and these are the new ones cults that resemble neo-fascism and are considered the new hegemonic religion of the region. Those who deposit in each individual cut off the possibility of salvation on earth for others: to be lucky, if that were the will of God. They do not think about politics. They do not talk about politics. They live in a separate world, in which misfortunes are part of the life that has touched them. They do not fight. They pray "Make a mess" can be understood as "to do politics", in the general sense given by the pope, which aims to lead a more dignified life for all, but especially for those who could never get out of the mud .

This week in Rome, the Pope inaugurated the synod for the Amazon. This is not another "gesture". It's pure action. It is at the request of the bishops of various countries that this new reach of hated governments has suddenly confronted them with hunger and fire. This week, we saw a photo of dozens of trucks that livestock companies send to deforested areas.

At the Vatican, there are now the delegates of the crushed ethnic groups. The Pope receives the ancestral inhabitants – to whom he apologized for the colonization of Bolivia a few years ago, but what was huge was like thousands of other huge news blurred by the media traditional. The pope receives the Garabombos of all time, but this time incarnated in these dazzling ethnic groups that grow from the Amazon. Receive these invisible ones.

At the opening of the Synod, Francisco is on the lookout and is our responsibility, although the reading may extend to any of our countries. He mentioned the Sarmientin dilemma "civilization or barbarism". In these notes, it was noted repeatedly that these terms had been reversed. "The motto of civilization or barbarism has been used to annihilate indigenous peoples," he said. Those who identify with civilization bring a new colonialism, "he said.

The financial elites who have dislocated politics, with the oligarchies, are now bloodthirsty barbarians who, for money, are ready to sacrifice millions of human, animal and plant lives. The pope then launched an arrow on Pichetto, although naming only Argentina. He said that in the name of civilization (with different spokesmen, bearers of the same hate speech that has been brewing in the region for five centuries), derogatory words are heard, "with contempt for the" little balls " , the "umbrellas" and the little black heads. "

Those who were in front of me and who said that they were the guardians of nature, who, as Chomsky also said, "were the ones who, in history, have fought most for the defense of life on the planet". These are the ones who persevered centuries and centuries ago, when our countries did not exist, living well, who do not demand the earth more than the earth can give without being ruined or be there forever, available and lavish for future generations.

These people, who have their own medicines, who have survived anyway, with or without contact with whites, and some of them have made decisions of extraordinary wisdom, such as that of the most populous, that instead of live together They have spread in different parts of the Amazon to avoid imbalances. The invisible ones who today have to flee their land because the fire devours them, they have today an interlocutor. While the "civilization" arrives the photos of the son of Bolsonaro paying tribute to his arms, while Ecuador bleeds, while in Colombia environmental activists are killed every day, while in Argentina, glyphosate is sprayed in rural schools and sick adults suffering from the wide range of poisonings produced by livestock or large-scale transgenic culture, they, the original peoples, continue to keep their secrets and aspire to be alone .

Today, they constitute the civilization to be considered with a political interest. Bolivia is the only country that has managed to stay upright and continues to distribute justice and happiness, along with development. We must take them seriously. Not for "a gesture". For something much deeper and more lucid: if we manage to break the fetishization of money as a measure of political power, a new phase of our common culture will open. They have never been fully integrated as political issues in the same way as others. Like machismo, racism is something that sometimes seems like a cross-cutting virus. It's the bone. Because the bone is the earth, but also the way to be and to be there. And the first peoples know much more than us. Much more.


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