The tablet that managed to stop half of hospitalizations for coronavirus is tested in Argentina


Molnupiravir, the pill against covid-19 that the Merck & Co laboratory is developing and which in provisional clinical trials has succeeded in stopping the progression of the disease and avoiding hospitalizations in half of the cases, he repeats himself in the country.

As he could confirm Bugle With medical sources involved in the studies, local trials of the oral antiviral are underway in Independence Clinic, in the party of Buenos Aires of Vicente López.

The Rosario Clinical Studies Foundation Medical Institute in Santa Fe is also part of the investigation. There, they have not yet started administering the drug to volunteers. “Recruitment is not easy because participants must be people who have not been vaccinated“, explained a medical source to this newspaper.

The study, called To relocate, is being carried out simultaneously in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, France, Guatemala, Bulgaria, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Egypt, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Canada and the United States.

At the current stage of research, the safety and efficacy of the drug are being evaluated.

As was published at the time, test participants had to be at least 18 years old; have tested positive for covid-19 within the past four days; have at least one symptom of the illness, such as fever, cough, or loss of taste or smell not be hospitalized and not having received the vaccine, among others.

Merck & Co. reported on Friday that its investigational antiviral for treating COVID-19 was nearly halving hospitalizations in people recently infected with the coronavirus. The pharmaceutical company will soon ask the American health authorities and the rest of the world to authorize its use.

News in development.



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