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In the midst of his offensive to regain control of the country, the Taliban executed some 900 people in six weeks in a single provincean Afghan police chief said Thursday.
Among the victims of the terrorist group are soldiers, police officers, elderly tribal leaders, activists and even a popular comedian. All were dragged out of their homes and killed in the southern province of Kandaharsaid the former police chief of the region, Tadin Khan, to the afghan media TOLO.
Islamist fighters have recaptured much of the province and besieged the regional capital, also known as Kandahar, as they push to regain control of the country after the withdrawal of US troops.
Many deaths have occurred in the city of Spin Boldakon the border with Pakistan, Khan said.
“People have suffered a lot”, He said. “The brutality that has taken place in Boldak is unforgivable.”
Among them was the comedian Nazar Mohammad, who previously served in the Afghan police, who her throat was slit before photos of her body were uploaded.
The other targets of the Islamists are the Afghan soldiers. According to the source, several of them surrendered on the promise that they would be allowed to return home safe and sound. But the terrorist group often does not keep this promise, as in the case of the 22 members of the special forces brutally massacred after running out of ammunition.
Religious leaders, government employees and anyone who considers themselves to be a supporter of the government have also been targeted.Khan said.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) declared for its part to have obtained a list of 44 people murdered “summarily” to Spin Boldak and accused the Taliban commanders of being responsible for “war crimes “.
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Also The UN said it had received reports of an increase in civilian deaths and damage to critical infrastructure. in Helmand and Kandahar.
“Hospitals and health workers are overwhelmed by the number of injured”UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said on Wednesday.
Reports once again contradict Taliban propaganda who, in an effort to forge alliances with neighbors and avoid the kind of intervention that toppled them from power, seeks to portray the insurgents as a moderate version of the group with which the United States went to war in 2001.
Another test, apart from executions, is the testimonies of the women, who said that in areas controlled by the Taliban, they were again prohibited from leaving the house without a permit and going to school.
Offensive and counter-offensive
Reports come at a time when Taliban warned of further attacks on Afghan government authorities after a failed attack on the Minister of Defense, and while the Government forces will launch a major counteroffensive in the besieged city of Lashkargah. The army called on the city’s 200,000 residents to evacuate on Tuesday, starting its offensive.
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Fighting has raged inside the country since May, when foreign forces entered the final phase of their withdrawal, which is due to end this month.
Tuesday, an attack on the Minister of Defense, Bismillah Mohammadi, brought war to the capital for the first time in months.
This is the biggest escalation of the Taliban, who had avoided carrying out large-scale attacks in the capital since they began withdrawal talks with the United States.
Without escape
Insurgents have taken control of much of inland and border towns, taking advantage of the vacuum left by the withdrawal of American forces.
Now they point to the cities, with bloody fighting last week around Herat, near the Iranian border, as well as in Lashkar Gah and Kandahar in the south.
The loss of Lashkar Gah, capital of the southern province of Helmand, it would be a severe strategic and psychological blow for the government.
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As the Taliban gain ground on the battlefield, itIntermittent talks between the insurgents and the Afghan government in Doha, Qatar, have hardly been successful and appear to be running out of steam.
Pakistan National Security Advisor, Moeed Yusuf, called on the two sides to seek an agreement to reach a peace agreement.
Yusuf told Washington on Wednesday that authorities in Kabul should stop demanding military victories and include more Afghan voices in future conversations.
“There will have to be some kind of understanding given the reality on the ground, but the violence has to stop. “did he declare.
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