The Taliban promised a “general amnesty” for Afghan officials and demanded that they return to work.


Taliban celebrate swift victory in Afghanistan offensive
Taliban celebrate swift victory in Afghanistan offensive

The Taliban on Tuesday announced a general amnesty for all state officials, urging them to return to normal work, two days after taking power in Afghanistan.

“A general amnesty has been decreed for all (…) so they must resume their daily lives with confidence”, the Taliban said in a statement.

Since they entered Kabul on Sunday, after a very rapid offensive which made them control almost the entire country in just 10 days and caused the flight of President Ashraf Ghani, the Taliban have multiplied the gestures that want to be reassuring.

This Tuesday, life slowly resumed in Kabul, many stores reopened, traffic was dense again and there were people in the streets.

The Taliban organize the movement in the streets and establish checkpoints.

But the inhabitants of the capital are afraid, especially the women, who for the most part do not take the risk of going out on the streets.

Between 1996 and 2001, while in power, the Taliban imposed a rigorous view of Islamic law. Women could neither work nor study.

Women's rights activist Zarmina Kakar cries during interview on Taliban's return to power
Women’s rights activist Zarmina Kakar cries during interview on Taliban’s return to power

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. At that time, women were the ones who lost the most. To describe their life as hell would not be an exaggeration. They couldn’t leave their home without a mahram -Male guardian- and they had to cover their body from head to toe with a burqa, among other medieval prohibitions and impositions.


The president of the United States, Joe Biden said on Monday that his country’s goal in Afghanistan It was never about building a democratic nation but about ending the terrorist threat from Al Qaeda. Additionally, the Democratic President has ratified that with his decision, the longest war in U.S. history is over.

“We will withdraw our people and allies as soon as possible, and after we finish this, we will end America’s most extensive war.” These events are proof that no military presence in Afghanistan makes a difference. Our mission made many mistakes in Afghanistan. I am not going to deceive the Americans by saying that once again in Afghanistan it will make a difference.“said the Democratic president.

US President Joe Biden delivers speech on Afghanistan crisis
US President Joe Biden delivers speech on Afghanistan crisis

The US president admitted that the Afghan government fell faster than expected, and underscored US military support. “I have always promised the American people that I will be honest with you. The truth is, it has grown faster than we expected.Biden said in a message to the nation.

We gave them every chance to determine their own future. We could not give them the will to fight for this future, ”he added from the White House, and stressed:“If Afghanistan is unable to resist the Taliban, US troops cannot tell the difference “.

Biden’s chairman also pointed out: “American troops cannot and should not wage a war and die in a war, which Afghan forces do not want to fight on their own.”.

“The mission in Afghanistan was never meant to be nation building. Our only vital national interest in Afghanistan today remains what it always has been: to prevent a terrorist attack on the American homeland.“Biden said, adding that the goal” remains today and has always been to prevent a terrorist attack on American soil. “

The president promised to prioritize the treatment of women and the girls under the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

(With information from AFP)


Cruelest bans and punishments the Taliban impose on women
Crisis in Afghanistan: who’s who in the Taliban hierarchy

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