The Taliban replace the Ministry of Women with the Vice-prevention


The taliban They seem determined to replace the Ministry of Women’s Affairs with the Ministry of Propagation of Virtues and Prevention of Vice, which they had already implemented in Afghanistan. hard fundamentalist policies during his first term in the 1990s.

In the so far Women’s Ministry building, workers have been seen installing a new panel with the name of Ministry of the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

Many messages published in the last 24 hours in the social networks shown employees of the Ministry of the Status of Women demonstrating in front of the headquarters for being allegedly made redundant.

Since their return to power in mid-August, the Taliban have always said they will respect women, but within days they have decided to suppress the Afghan Ministry of Women's Affairs.  (Photo: AP / Zabi Karimi)
Since their return to power in mid-August, the Taliban have always said they will respect women, but within days they have decided to suppress the Afghan Ministry of Women’s Affairs. (Photo: AP / Zabi Karimi)

“Nobody listens to our women,” denounced one Internet user on Twitter, while another wrote sarcastically: “Can we expect anything different from these animals?” So far, no Taliban leader has responded to media interview requests to explain this disputed measure.

Although the insurgents insist that they will rule with more restraint that in its first stage (1996-2001), they did not allow most of the women to return to work and they introduced rules regarding their dress code at the university. In addition, no woman is on the new Taliban cabinet, announced two weeks ago.

The education ministry said in a statement on Friday that it will reopen all secondary schools for boys and that male teachers will return to work. “All male teachers and students should return to their schools,” the education portfolio said, although not to mention teachers or students.

The Taliban replace the Ministry of Women with the Vice-prevention

During the first fundamentalist government, women were excluded from public life and they could only leave the house if they had a burqa and they were accompanied by a male parent.

At the time, officials from the Ministry of the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice were known to have whipped women walking alone in the street and to demand other types of behavior inspired by a very rigorous interpretation of Islam.

The Ministry for Women was created in 2001 under the government of the then Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, as part of international efforts to tackle women’s issues and had approximately 850 employees in all the countries. Over the past two decades, the institution’s mission has been to develop policies, promote rights, eliminate violence and discrimination against women, as well as promote their active participation in life. social and political situation of Afghanistan.


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