The teacher forgot to turn off the camera and had sex in a virtual classroom | the Chronicle


A teacher from Palmira, Valle del Cauca, performed in a embarrassing situation in the middle of a virtual classroom in Colombia.

Although it is not known when the events occurred, a few days ago a video recorded by a student went viral on social media, where it shows a erotic scene from your teacher.

It all happened in the middle of the virtual lesson, the teacher forgot to turn off his camera when his partner came over to greet him and his students saw the moment when he has sex with the woman.

One of the students who witnessed the moment recorded it and allegedly leaked the video which eventually went viral on social media. While the young woman who recorded him was kicked out, the teacher received no warning from the school.

Palmira’s teacher admitted his mistake and apologized

Through a video that was broadcast by the media, the professional apologized and assured that it was an oversight, because he did not realize that he had left the camera on.

On the other hand, he assured that the establishment had opened an investigation to determine the measures to be taken, both with him and with the student who had registered the moment.



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