The teenager whose life changed forever by the coronavirus: “I cough every two seconds” | the Chronicle


Verena garcia, lives in Murcia, Spain is 16 years old and ulife is constantly interrupted by coughing, which was left as a sequel after contracting coronavirus on October 27, 2020.

“My life has changed completely, but there is still no clear diagnosis. I can’t go to class, I can’t go to the movies, I can’t go out with my friends to eat, I can’t do anything make” , vshe said to the anxious young woman. In addition, he also suffers from terrible headaches and muscle problems.

The teenager whose life has been forever changed by the coronavirus: “I cough every two seconds”.

Verena explained that she stops coughing when she sleeps. “When I wake up I cough again. I can’t eat normally either because I’m throwing everything out” clarified. “When someone sees me, he shows me like I have the plague“, account.

His father, Ignacio Garcia, told Spanish media that her daughter can neither hear nor see well because of this sequel. As parents, we are going through a difficult time. She is in psychological treatment and to endure all she does is put a monument on her“, he assured.

He did not show any particular symptoms during his coronavirus disease. I had a low fever“, he explains. But after three days, he started to feel “A terrible sore throat and I started coughing so hard I fell to the floor.”

This curious case of persistent post-Covid-19 cough is the first known in Spain and Verena does not know if there are others in the world. “AI used to cough up blood, but there came a time when my throat made a callus and I no longer coughed up blood “, Verena reports.

Multidisciplinary team of neurologists to start treating Verena. So far, doctors have ruled out tics and allergies, although they believe what the young woman is suffering from is a bad command the brain is sending to her body.

In some cases, people affected by the coronavirus may continue to have symptoms associated with the disease weeks or even months after transmitting it.. These patients have what is called Persistent Covid and the symptoms can be very diverse. They can range from fatigue, chest pain to, in more severe cases, blood clots or stroke.

Specifically, the profile of the patient with persistent Covid is generally that of a woman between the ages of 30 and 50, who has been showing symptoms for more than six months, according to a survey published by the Spanish Society of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (SEMG) among more than 2000 patients. The symptoms described have reached more than 200 and do not always have the same duration.

Teenager whose life was forever changed by coronavirus: “I cough every two seconds”


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