The temperature rises between the United States and Russia for Venezuela | Chronic


In the midst of days of extreme tension in Venezuela, the Secretary of State of the Yankees, Mike Pompeo, warned that one "military action is possible ". In addition, the defense authorities canceled their trip to Europe for "coordinate more effectively"with other ministerial portfolios, the situation in Caracas.

As announced by the Pentagon, the Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan "will no longer travel to Europe", to work with the National Security Council of the White House and the State Department around "the situation in Venezuela". This decision was taken shortly after Pompeo reiterated that the government ofDonald Trump is still thinking about the possibility of armed intervention in Venezuela.

Washington's interference in Venezuela's internal affairs and the threats against its government are in flagrant violation of international law, "Russia said.

"A military action is possible, if it is what is required, it will be what the United States will do", explained hours before the start of another day of protests in Caracas and the rest of the country. The Kremlin's response was not long in coming. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in charge of Sergey Lavrov issued a statement in which he stated: "Washington's interference in Venezuela's internal affairs and the threats against its government constitute a flagrant violation of international law."

In addition, he warned Pompeo that "aggressive new measures will lead to the most serious consequences. "Only the Venezuelan people have the right to determine their future, for which the dialogue of all political forces is necessary, something that the Venezuelan government has been insisting on for a long time," pointed out the Russian diplomatic entity.


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