The ten words we spoke the most in 2020: the Royal Academy counted them


Quarantine and pandemic were the most common words in Spanish-speaking countries in 2020, followed by the coronavirus, confinement Yes contagion, according to the selection made by the Spanish language academies.

The selection of the ten words most used in the Spanish speaking space this year is included in the first Chronicle of the Spanish language 2020 edited by Espasa, an academic work has been created with the aim of disseminating the work developed by the RAE over the past year and describing or explaining the most relevant issues that affect the unity of language in the Spanish speaking world.

This chronicle of the year 2020 is the first in a series of publications with which the Royal Spanish Academy will annually assess the linguistic activity of the year to publicize the activity of Asale, the association which integrates the academies of the Spanish language in the world.

Royal Spanish Academy.  An eye on Castilian.

Royal Spanish Academy. An eye on Castilian.

The ten words most frequently chosen by academies for this year are a pan-Hispanic initiative linked to the health crisis facing the world by covid-19.

So, to the first five they follow the words outrun, mask, telecommuting, asymptomatic e uncertainty.

The book serves to keep abreast of the most relevant linguistic issues and is the first in a series of publications with which the RAE will make annual review of the year’s activity in Spanish, the language shared by nearly 600 million people around the world.

The work is accompanied by writings by current and historical academics and texts by great writers recognized by the Nobel Prize or Cervantes, such as Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz and Sergio Ramírez.

Also essays on linguistic issues, historical texts and speeches, and samples of academic literary activities.

The past and present of the RAE, the continuous renewal of dictionaries and other essential works, the linguistic prescriptions of the Academy, Spanish in the digital domain, the specialized languages ​​or the books and magazines of the institution are of other issues covered by this work, which also includes the annual update of the digital edition of the Dictionary of the Spanish language.



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